Data X-Ray delivers unstructured data insights in minutes.

Stay Informed: Track File Changes

Automate sensitive data audits, perform stale file clean-up, and receive timely alerts with enterprise file monitoring.

Data security with Data X-Ray

Blind spots in data protection

According to a 2023 survey by Enterprise Strategy Group, only 15% of organizations actively monitor changes to sensitive data within unstructured files. The growing dispersion of sensitive data due to remote work and the alarming cost of data breaches averaging $4.24 million underscore the critical need for enterprise file activity monitoring.

With sensitive data like PII, financial records, and intellectual property scattered across your data landscape, not monitoring your files and folders can leave your data vulnerable. With Data X-Ray, you can:

  • Audit sensitive data on your servers

  • Classify sensitive data using pre-defined or customized criteria

  • Identify and manage stale data

  • Receive alerts on unauthorized data access, modification, downloads, and more.

Extract File Activity Monitoring with Data X-Ray

Discovery with Entitlements

Data X-Ray uses metadata and entitlement analysis to accurately locate sensitive files, offering insights into their locations and recent user interactions.

Classify with Data X-Ray

Classification Based on Sensitivity

Utilize Data X-Ray's out-of-the-box smart labels or custom definitions to uncover and manage stale files that may still contain sensitive or confidential information.

Track, Alert, and Prevent Data Exfiltration

Govern your data estate with unwavering vigilance: track usage patterns, downloads, permission changes, and more—all with real-time alerts and comprehensive audit trails.

Only 15% of organizations actively monitor for changes to sensitive data within unstructured files.

Enterprise Strategy Group 2023 survey


Advantages of Data X-Ray

Sensitive data auditing

See exactly which files containing specific PII have been accessed in the past X months, and by whom.

Stale file clean-up

Find and manage dormant files to reduce operational costs and minimize your attack surface.

Monitoring with alerts

Get notified on file changes and user actions, so you can respond quickly to potential threats.

Govern unstructured data

Compliance made simple

Manage enterprise-wide sensitive files and adhere to HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, and other critical regulations.

Reporting and access control

Audit historical access to pinpoint suspicious activity and block unauthorized access.

unstructured data analysis

Safeguard growing enterprise data

Maintain continuous file activity monitoring to gain control over sensitive files and user interactions.

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