Optimize unstructured data for CPRA compliance

Next-gen unstructured data discovery to assess risk, fulfill privacy requests and support data retention processes.

Accelerate CCPA and CPRA compliance

California Consumer Privacy Act (CPRA)

Previously known as California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), requires companies to govern how consumers’ personal information (PI) is captured and managed.

PI hidden in unstructured data is a compliance risk. Use Data X-Ray and automate the discovery, classification, and redaction of PI to help your organization stay compliant.

A Toolset for CPRA Compliance

Data Discovery via Data X-Ray

Uncover Data

High precision identification of personal data across on-prem and cloud repositories.

Records and Retention Management - Classify

Classify Data

Automatically apply labels and metadata to classify, redact and report on sensitive data.

unstructured data inventory

Inventorize Data

Get a unified view of your data and empower your privacy teams to ensure strict compliance.

minimize unstructured data

Minimize Data

Improve visibility of PI to minimize data, enforce retention policies, and comply with data subject/consumer rights requests.

Protect Data

Automate the redaction of sensitive data elements and prevent unauthorized disclosure.

Monitor files with Data X-Ray

DSR Fulfilment

Ensure timely and efficient fulfilment of data subject requests (DSR).

Penalties can reach up to $2,500 per violation or $7,500 for intentional violations.

Secure your data now.


Utilise our modules to scale across your use cases

Scan with Data X-Ray


Understand your metadata at scale

Classify with Data X-Ray


Word-by-word content analysis to identify sensitive data

Data Redaction with Data X-Ray


Redact, archive, and remediate files at scale.

Monitor files with Data X-Ray


Bring observability and monitoring to your data estate and report on file events

Reach out to us today, and let's initiate a conversation to explore how we can assist your enterprise. Leave a message here

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