Data X-Ray delivers unstructured data insights in minutes.

Unstructured Data Minimization

Identify and eliminate needless files from any data estate to reduce privacy risks.

Data X-Ray to Automate File Retention and Deletion

Maintain compliance and promote data privacy

If your business stores files, you need to understand what files you actually need and which files you are storing. Failure to have an adequate unstructured data minimiation framework in place with automated controls at the very least is costing your organization in storage costs. At the worst it is putting your organization at risk from data breaches or data security and privacy non-compliance. It is essential to have an automated process in place, that can efficiently:

  • Scan large volumes of unstructured files
  • Locate and categorize any files that contain sensitive information
  • Generate a comprehensive report of your datasets

Minimize data privacy risks


Navigate through your unstructured data landscape and locate files with sensitive personal information.

Records and Retention Management - Classify


Regardless of the type or location of your files, make sense of petabytes of data across your enterprise.

Data Redaction with Data X-Ray


Take corrective actions against data vulnerabilities and build datasets with minimal to no remaining privacy risk.

By 2024, 75% of the global population will have its personal data covered under privacy regulations.

Stay compliant.


Advantages of Data X-Ray

Automate data discovery

Data X-Ray supports all major unstructured data source types and file formats (including PDFs, emails, images, etc), so you can view and know more about all your data through one single platform.

Accurate data classification

Smart labels and custom ML classification helps you categorize data more effectively, understand the contents of files better, and improve data protection for customers.

Uncover data vulnerabilities

Leverage insights from Data X-Ray to find files with exposed sensitive data like PII, HIPAA, and PCI. Take steps to prioritize and fix security risks and compliance issues, ensuring that your data is consistently secure.

Sensitive data redaction

Find files that contain personally identifiable information and redact sensitive information such as names, addresses, birthdates, and social security numbers with up to 99% accuracy.

Prioritize data privacy

Take steps to limit the collection, retention of unstructured data assets containing sensitive personal information. Ensure the protection of your users' data while complying with data protection regulations.

Manage petabyte scale of data

Data X-Ray helps you manage petabyte-scale data sets with ease. It provides a new standard for consistency and comprehensiveness in data discovery and minimization exercises.

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