Data X-Ray delivers unstructured data insights in minutes.

Unstructured Data Classification Engine

ML and NLP-driven unstructured data classification at scale.

Metadata-Enriched Classification via Data X-Ray

Change How Your Business Organizes and Controls Data

Locating business-critical data, regardless of its location is a challenge. Find ways to discover, classify and label sensitive information for better data control and mitigate risks. Where do you start? Start to build your enterprise-wide unstructured data classification framework.

  • Complete discovery
  • Automate data classification based on policy
  • Monitor and establish on-going checks in real-time

Simplifying Enterprise-Wide Unstructured Data Classification

Scan - Unstructured Data Classification


Use Data X-Ray to scan 100,000s of words per second and get full visibility of all data sources on-prem, cloud and partner systems.

Capture - Unstructured Data Classification


Automatically apply smart labeling across unstructured data sources to pinpoint sensitive information with few false positives.

Control - Unstructured Data Classification


Implement user access, file retention and disposal procedures for handling sensitive data across your hybrid data environment.

95% of businesses face unstructured data issues.

Use a precise discovery tool.


Advantages of Data X-Ray

NLP-led data classification

Auto-discover and classify sensitive data into relevant categories - enhancing your data fabric.

Smart labeling and tagging

Harness Data X-Ray’s smart labeling, keyword search and proximity matching to obtain accurate results.

Connect to data catalogs

Seamlessly integrate with data catalogs and enable continuous delivery of data for business needs.

Enterprise-wide metadata

Accurately classify data by analyzing physical metadata, content and context of how data relates across sources for better governance.

Manage data retention

Search and enforce automatic retention policies enterprise-wide to remove old, duplicate, records and files

Data subject requests

Effectively fulfill data subject access request (DSARs) within the given 30-day time frame.

Client Success Stories

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