Accelerate Sensitive Data Discovery

Data X-Ray allows you to understand where and what your files are. Our customers use Data X-Ray for locating and classifying files on-premise and in cloud, protecting those containing sensitive data.

Data X-Ray by Ohalo


Enterprise Data Protection

Security, Privacy and Governance leaders can use Data X-Ray to:

  • Scan data lakes and repositories at scale
  • Find unknown reports, documents, images and more
  • Classify files based on sensitivity
  • Delete duplicate or unwanted files 
  • Redact sensitive information in files
  • Lessen data storage costs

Reach out to us today to know more about our automated data discovery tool that can connect to anything, including Amazon S3, Sharepoint, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and analyse data at petabytes' scale.

Suncor deploys Ohalo's Data X-Ray platform.

We had a long list of requirements from multiple stakeholders, data owners, and business functions. Having a partner that could deliver across multiple use cases was paramount. Ohalo Data X-Ray ticked all the boxes.

Terry Lays, Product Owner Data Analytics Platform, Suncor Energy

Why Data X-Ray?

Best data discovery software to manage all your files across your enterprise

Govern unstructured data

View your data

Find exposed data and take steps to protect it from unauthorized access or loss.

Classify with Data X-Ray

Classify automatically

Map out all your data to spot management gaps and really get what's happening.

Understand Your Files

Discover ignored or unused files and analyze their details to make smart choices.

Cut Storage Costs

Use file monitoring to find and delete forgotten data, freeing up valuable storage.

Streamline Data Keeping

Automate how you sort, keep, or trash data based on its importance.

Generative AI analysis

Maintain Audit Trail

Regularly check and record every change for easy future reference.

Our Customers

Data X-Ray platform trusted by Home Office.
Health and Safety Executive trusts Ohalo's Data X-Ray platform.
Wood is Ohalo's client.
Data X-Ray trusted by HomeServe
Veolia is Ohalo's client.
Costain chooses Data X-Ray.

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