Unleash the power of 80% of your data

Don't let unstructured data remain a dark secret. With unparalleled accuracy in discovery, classification, and redaction, Ohalo's Data X-Ray empowers you to streamline data governance and enhance document intelligence. By unlocking unstructured data—which constitutes 80% of your data estate—it caters to a wide array of needs, from compliance to AI governance.

Our clients across industries

Home Office is Ohalo's client.
HSE or Health and Safety Executive is Ohalo's client.
Wood is Ohalo's client.
HomeServe is Ohalo's client.
Veolia is Ohalo's client.
Costain chooses Data X-Ray.


Know all your data

Scan with Data X-Ray

Discover & Classify

Scan legacy systems, hybrid and cloud repositories using Data X-Ray to automatically map unstructured data and comprehend its relevance.

Gen AI Governance for unstructured data

Monitor File Activity

Hook into file activity streams to understand who is changing files over time and whether it represents a risk to your organization.

Data Redaction with Data X-Ray

Remediate Data

Automate sensitive data remediation by type and risk to save time and enforce universal governance policies to minimize compliance risk.

Featured Usecase

Govern your AI training and inference pipelines

Enforce entitlements, understand privacy and security risks, ensure data quality, and automate seamless imports into your vector databases.

Understanding Data X-Ray

Automate file security, privacy, and governance across cloud, on-premise and hybrid environments.

  • Clean up your data; keep what you need and get rid of what you don’t to cut costs.
  • Adhere to privacy and security laws to maintain compliance in data handling practices.
  • Stay alert to threats. Understand file security events and protect your data.
Connect with us

See how you can make unstructured data searchable with Data X-Ray.

Find, organize, and secure everything - simply

Govern unstructured data

View your data

Find exposed data and take steps to protect it from unauthorized access or loss.

Classify with Data X-Ray

Classify automatically

Map out all your data to spot management gaps and really get what's happening.

Understand Your Files

Discover ignored or unused files and analyze their details to make smart choices.

Cut Storage Costs

Use file monitoring to find and delete forgotten data, freeing up valuable storage.

Streamline Data Keeping

Automate how you sort, keep, or trash data based on its importance.

Generative AI analysis

Maintain Audit Trail

Regularly check and record every change for easy future reference.

Client success story

A global bank used Data X-Ray to discover, classify, and audit over 70 million files for an initial merger and acquisition (M&A) project. Since then, they've expanded Data X-Ray to other departments for various needs like records retention, privacy, and legal holds. Data X-Ray has become indispensable, significantly improving their management and security of unstructured data.

Take control of your unstructured data chaos

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