Data X-Ray + Collibra Data Catalog For Unstructured Data

  • Type: Video
  • Date: 01/03/2023
  • Tags: Data mapping, Data Cataloging, data discovery, Data Governance

Curious to see the practical applications?

Book a meeting now, and let's explore how you can expand Collibra's data reach to cover unstructured data sources, including spreadsheets, PDFs, and emails.

As a trusted Collibra Silver Partner, we bring you the remarkable synergy of Data X-Ray and Collibra Data Catalog. Our cutting-edge ML and NLP-driven tool, Data X-Ray, is designed to optimize your data catalog while reinforcing privacy and compliance protocols.

Data X-Ray & Collibra Data Catalog can help you:

  • Search multiple data sources simultaneously in seconds
  • Deliver enterprise-wide metadata framework in 3 Months
  • Bolster the security of your data at scale and in the cloud

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